Scientology Scam So, can you say anything good about Scientologists? Well, they atomic number 18 snazzy dressers. Oh and Tom Cruise is unitary! And the person who started scientology as well wrote that sci-fi classic "Battlefield Earth". What a great movie... :-| OK let me go on the offensive now... Scientology is rather recent. natural spring in 1953, during a coincident eachy timed slump in Layfaette Ronald Hubbards book sales. Origin solelyy a few "help centers" sprung up, taking the places of bookstores where for a nominal fee and the purchase of a recapitulate of Dianetics, you could soon be feeling the effects of a young way to look at religion.

Of course the timing is all coincidental right? BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Wrong-O-Laserbrain! Take a look at this quote from a Sci-Fi convention in Newark, New tee shirt: "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really indigenceed to make a one thousand million dollars, the best way to do it would be to start his protest religion."Guess who said that? OK t...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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