
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Reading To a Child Everyday and Language Development Essay

Reading To a Child Everyday and Language Development - Essay Example Nativist perspective: This theory was suggested by Noam Chomsky and has remained significant in understanding language acquisition in children. The nativist perspective postulates that children learn through their innate ability to organize language laws. However, the theory acknowledges that children cannot utilize their ability to organize and utilize language laws in the absence of adults. Based on this theory, children have in-born Language Acquisition Device embedded in their brains, which enable them to learn language skills as they grow (Martin, Fabes & Fabes, 2009). Social interactionist theory: This theory emphasizes on the environment and context in which language is acquired. According to this theory, pragmatics of a language precedes grammar. Children and adults live in a negotiated environment where there is likelihood of feedbacks. As such, language develops through one’s negotiation of his or her environment (Martin, Fabes & Fabes, 2009). Language development stems from children’s desire to learn and share new information with others. The theory argues that language acquisition takes both biological and social dimensions. Cognitive theory: In this theory, Jean Piaget postulated that symbols and structures constitute language and becomes exposed as children’s brains develop. Consequently, language is a mental activity. Piaget’s cognitive theory on how a child’s brain develops has for a long time been influential in shaping educational theory (Ellis, 2006; Pütz, 2001).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sense Of Horror In Monkeys Paw English Literature Essay

Sense Of Horror In Monkeys Paw English Literature Essay Jacobs creates a sense of horror in The Monkeys Paw by using a variety of literary techniques. As The Monkeys Paw was written in 1902, Jacobs makes the story scary in ways that are very different to modern horror films and books. We can tell that the story was written in the early twentieth century as it contains many details that would have been common in Victorian literature. One of the most obvious features from The Monkeys Paw that tells us that the story was written over a century ago, is the old-fashioned language that Jacobs uses. The language used throughout the story contains words such as rubicund and visage, which are not words that are commonly used today. Also, the fact that  £200 was considered to be a lot of money shows that the story was from a long time ago as  £200 is not seen as a large amount of money in the modern world. Other aspects of the story also show that The Monkeys Paw was written in the Victorian time period the fact that India was seen as a new, e xotic and unexplored country tells us that the story must have been written in a time when transport wasnt as easily available as it is today. In the story, when the Sergeant-Major tells the Whites about his exploration, they seem almost in awe of him as he is seen to be the bravest and most adventurous person that they have ever met because of his journey to India. The fact that Jacobs used a Sergeant-Major character is also another typical feature of Victorian literature. Finally, the household objects that the Whites use in The Monkeys Paw show that the story was not set in modern times. For example, the Whites use candles for light and heat their kettle on a fire as there was no electricity in Victorian times. As The Monkeys Paw was written over a century ago, Jacobs doesnt use explicit gory details to create horror like modern scary films and books. Instead, he uses subtle hints in most aspects of the story to build up an element of terror and one of these aspects is the way that Jacobs uses setting. The main way in which Jacobs uses setting to increase the tension in The Monkeys Paw, is the way that he creates contrast between the wild outside weather and the cosy atmosphere inside the Whites home. At the beginning of the story, Jacobs describes the night as cold and wet, whereas Jacobs describes the Whites home by writing the fire burned brightly. This contrast makes the reader associate the outside with dark, cold and bad while associating the inside with light, warm and good. There is one thing that is keeping the White family safe from the badness of the outside, and that is the blinds. The blinds are drawn in part 1 of The Monkeys Paw when the Whites are a cosy, normal family protec ted from grief and terror. However, in part 3 of the story when Mrs White is looking for Herbert to come back from the dead, Jacobs writes the old woman, with burning eyes, walked to the window and raised the blind. I think that the blind is a symbol for a barrier that protects the Whites from the danger of the outside and when Mrs White raises the blind to look for her son she lets some of that danger into her home. Also, the visitors bring some of the danger and badness from the outside into the Whites home when they visit. For example, when the Sergeant-Major visits, he brings the monkeys paw which changes the Whites lives forever and when the worker at Maw and Meggins visits, he brings the news of Herberts death. It is clear that throughout the story, Jacobs corresponds the outside atmosphere to the mood of the characters. For example, in part 3 of the story, the house is steeped in shadow and silence which is much like the couple, as there is no longer any banter or chatter bet ween them after Herberts death. For this reason, the reader is lulled into a false sense of security when they read about the wintry sun and prosaic wholesomeness at the beginning of part 2. The reader thinks that this sunny weather and ordinary atmosphere will correspond to the characters moods. However, a little later on, the Whites discover about Herberts death; this leaves the reader feeling shocked as they would have been expecting the Whites to have a normal day, when instead the Whites receive horrific news of their son passing away. Finally, we know that the house is very isolated as Mr White says at the beginning of the story thats the worst of living so far out. This adds to the suspense in part 3 of the story as we know that the Whites are alone and there is no one that can help them. Another way in which Jacobs creates horror is through his use of characterisation. Firstly, we get to see the happiness of the White family right from the beginning of the story. There are many examples of their close-knit, normal family life throughout part 1 of The Monkeys Paw such as Mr White and Herbert playing a family game of chess at the beginning of the story. The Whites are generally presented as pleasant and ordinary people. Therefore, when their first wish upon the monkeys paw comes true but at the price of their sons life, we are even more shocked at their misfortune as they seem to be just a normal family and not foolish people who have no common sense. The fact that Mr and Mrs White are elderly also adds to the sense of danger in the story as they are seen to be more vulnerable than younger people may be. In part 3 of the story, Jacobs uses contrast in the characters moods for a dramatic effect. At the beginning of the story, the couple are chatty and make jokes with ea ch other which makes a light family atmosphere. However, in part 3 of The Monkeys Paw, Mr and Mrs White have radically changed into uncommunicative couple who hardly exchange a word as they have nothing to talk about after their sons death. This huge contrast makes the reader realise the enormity of the effect that Herberts death has had on Mr and Mrs White. This effect is also portrayed through Mrs Whites newly irrational behaviour throughout part 3. She is constantly having mixed emotions she laughed and cried together which show that she is not in control of her feelings and she has wild ideas about bringing her son back from the dead. Finally, another way in which Jacobs creates drama through his use of characters is by showing that the Sergeant-Major is unwilling to talk about the paw. The Sergeant-Major is described as doughty which makes us think that that he is very brave, so his reluctance to talk about the paw shows us that if even an extremely courageous soldier is too scared to talk about the paw, then it must be an incredibly strange and frightening object that shouldnt be messed with. Jacobs also creates a sense of tension in The Monkeys Paw by building up the suspense throughout the different parts of the story. The structure of The Monkeys Paw is like many pieces of Victorian literature; it is separated into three short chapters. In part 1, we get to see how close the White family are, the monkeys paw is first introduced and the first wish is made. At this point in the story, we dont know the power of the paw so we arent as frightened as we are later on in the story. However, the Sergeant-Majors reluctance to talk about the paw leaves us with questions. We wonder if wishes on the paw do come true, why the Sergeant-Major is wary of the paw and we also wonder what wishes the Whites will make. These questions make us want continue reading the story to discover what happens. Part 2 of the story begins on a seemingly ordinary day there was an air of prosaic wholesomeness. This lulls the reader into a false sense of security because they think that they were foolish for having fears of the monkeys paw as it seems to be such an ordinary day. The tension then starts to build when Mrs White spots the suspicious and mysterious man from Maw and Meggins outside of the house. Then, when Herberts death is revealed, the reader is even more shocked because of the huge contrast to the seemingly normal start of the day. The news of Herberts death also leaves the reader with even more questions. We ask ourselves whether wishes on the monkeys paw do actually come true or if the compensation of  £200 was just a freakish coincidence. This, again, makes us want to read further into the story to find out the answer to our questions. The description at the beginning of part 3 sets the scene for the rest of the story; it is night time and Mrs White is weeping. We associate these details with badness and we therefore are expecting for something scary to happen in the next part of the story. From the moment that Mr White makes the second wish, the tension is built up throughout the rest of part 3 by the increasing speed of the knocks and Mrs Whites attempt to open the door. The suspense is only relieved right at the end of the story when Mr White makes the third wish. This way, the reader feels scared for the longest time possible which creates the greatest sense of fear. Another way that Jacobs creates a sense of horror in the story is by withholding the full information from the reader to create a sense of mystery. For example, the reader does not know if the  £200 compensation for Herberts death is related to the paw or whether it is just a coincidence. We never find this out, even at the end of the story, and so there creates an element of mystery about the whole story. We are also left wondering about other questions at the end of The Monkeys Paw, such as whether wishes on the monkeys paw actually do come true and whether Herbert did actually come back from the dead. These questions make us discuss and think about the story even after we have finished reading it, and this is a sign of a successful story. Also, Jacobs withholds information in another aspect of the story when he doesnt tell us what Herberts mangled body looks like. Jacobs writes that Mr White says I could only recognise him by his clothing when describing Herberts body. This is v ery powerful as it makes us imagine Herberts body being far more contorted and gory than Jacobs could possibly describe with words. Also, in part 3 of The Monkeys Paw, Jacobs doesnt give us any information about Herbert. Instead of writing something like Herbert the zombie approached the house, Jacobs is much cleverer in his use of language to build up the tension. He does not mention Herbert once; instead he increases the suspense by describing the fusillade of knocks on the door. This way, Jacobs keeps the mystery of the monkeys paw in tact as he does not state that the knocks are definitely coming from Herbert, for all we know, the knocking could just be a figment of the couples imagination. Finally, senses are another thing that Jacobs removes from the characters to increase the tension in the story. Depriving the characters of some of their senses in parts of the story increases the tension as the characters are having something that is vital to them removed; this increases the ir level of fear. For example, in part 3 when Mr White goes downstairs, it is very dark so he is deprived of his sight. He has to use touch and sound as his main senses to be able to get around. Jacobs writes that Mr White felt his way to the parlour before he lost the direction of the door. By removing one of his senses, he loses the direction of where he is going which shows just how fundamental senses are and what effect being deprived of them can have. Jacobs goes on to prove that that Mr White is scared at losing his direction by saying his brow cold with sweat. When Mr White is scared in this part of the story, we empathise with him which makes us feel frightened too. A reason why we empathise with the characters is the way that Jacobs uses of language. The Whites dialogue is very realistic and believable it makes the Whites seem like real people which makes the reader feel sympathetic towards them. Also, the Whites just seem like an ordinary family as they make jokes with each other and at the start of the story they are playing chess and knitting by the fire. They do not seem like greedy or foolish people so we empathise with them at their misfortune of having their wish come true but at the cost of their sons life. Another one of the main language tools that Jacobs uses in The Monkeys Paw is irony. Jacobs creates irony throughout the story which makes the eventual horror even more shocking. For example, in part 2 of the story, Mr and Mrs White seem happily contented with their lives as they are making jokes and seem to be a close couple. Then when they receive the news of Herberts death, the reader is taken aback at this news as the couple see med to have a perfectly good, normal life before Herberts death. Other examples of irony in the story are the way that Herbert says goodbye when he is going to work and the way that Mrs White makes comments about waiting for Herbert to come home. Herbert says before I come back and Mrs White says when he comes home which are both referring to Herberts return. This is ironic as they do not know that Herbert will not be returning. Another language technique that Jacobs uses to create horror is sentence structure. For example, when Jacobs is describing the Whites at the start of the story, he uses long sentences like Father and son were at chess, the former, who possessed the idea about the game involving radical changes, putting his king into such sharp and unnecessary perils that it even provoked comment from the white-haired old lady knitting placidly by the fire that go into a lot of detail to describe what is happening. However, when the story becomes more tense, Jacobs uses short sentences to show the change in pace of the story and to build up a sense of panic. For example, in part 3 when the couple hear the first knock, the suspense increases dramatically and Jacobs shows this by using a series of short, simple sentences such as A third knock sounded through the house. The final way that Jacobs uses language to create horror in The Monkeys Paw is simply through the choice of the words that he uses. The way that he describes things creates powerful, scary imagery. Jacobs can make even the most ordinary household objects seem terrifying. For example, when describing a candlestick he writes [the candle-end] was throwing pulsating shadows on the ceiling and walls, until, with a flicker larger than the rest, it expired. This description gives the most powerful sense of imagery as Jacobs makes the candle seem alive by saying that it has a pulse. The use of the word pulsating also makes the reader think of the Whites as they are very tense at this point of the s tory and their pulse rate is probably very high due to their nervous anticipation of seeing whether their wish has come true. I think that WW Jacobs is a very powerful and intelligent writer who has cleverly used every possible feature in the story of The Monkeys Paw to create a sense of horror. The literary techniques that he uses are very typical to those of most short stories written in Victorian times. Personally, I think that these techniques, such as the mystery of the unknown, are a great deal scarier and build up a much better sense of tension than present day horror stories. Modern horror films and books mainly use gore, wounds and blood to create the element of disgust that generates the most profit. However, I think that Jacobs cleverly uses subtle details and suggestion in The Monkeys Paw to develop a sense of throughout the story, and this is what creates a classic horror story that really plays with the readers mind.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Daniel Defoe :: Essays Papers

Daniel Defoe Daniel Defoe (1660?-1731), English journalist and novelist, whose work reflects his diverse experiences in many countries and in many walks of life. Besides being a brilliant journalist, novelist, and social thinker, Defoe was an outstanding author, producing more than 500 pieces of literature. Defoe was born in London about 1660, the son of a candle merchant named Foe. Daniel added "De" to his name about 1700. He was educated for the Presbyterian ministry but decided to go into business in 1685. He became a hosiery merchant, and his business gave him frequent opportunities to travel throughout western Europe. An opponent of the Roman Catholic King James II, in 1685 Defoe took an active part in the unsuccessful rebellion led by the Duke of Monmouth against the king. In 1692 his business went into bankruptcy, but subsequently he acquired control of a tile and brick factory. He obtained a government post in 1695 and the same year wrote "An Essay upon Projects", a remarkable writing of matters of public concern, such as the education of women. Especially noteworthy among his writings during the next several years was the satiric poem "The True-born Englishman" (1701), an attack on beliefs in racial or national superiority, which was directed particularly toward those English people who resented the new king, William III, for being Dutch. The next year Defoe anonymously published a tract entitled "The Shortest Way with the Dissenters", which satirized religious intolerance by pretending to share the prejudices of the Anglican church against nonconformists. In 1703, when it was found that Defoe had written the tract, he was arrested and punished with an indeterminate term in jail. Robert Harley, the speaker of the House of Commons, gave Defoe his release in November 1703, on the condition that he agree to become a secret agent and public propagandist for the government. During his time in prison Defoe's business had been ruined, so he turned to journalism for his living. From 1704 to 1713 he issued a triweekly news journal entitled "The Review", for which he did most of the writing. Its opinions and interpretations were often independent, but generally, "The Review" leaned toward the government in power. Defoe wrote strongly in favor of union with Scotland, and his duties as secret agent may have included other activities on behalf of union, which was achieved in 1707. In 1709 he wrote a History of the Union.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Allegory Criticism

Allegory Criticism: Essay #3 Da’Andrea Bell Allegory criticism is an extended metaphor in which a person, abstract idea or event stands for itself and for something else. Usually involves moral or spiritual concepts which are more significant than the actual narrative. In the fiction reading, â€Å"The man In the Black Suit† by Stephen King, the main character Gary a young boy at the age of nine has found himself coming face to face with someone he believes is the devil. While out for a day of fishing Gary is approached by a man mysterious looking man. In the reading the author describes this mysterious man, â€Å"His face was very long and pale.His black hair was combed tight against his skull and parted with rigorous care on the light side of his narrow head. He was very tall. He was wearing a black three-piece suit, and I knew right away that he was not a human being, because his eyes were the orangey red of flames in a woodstove. I don’t mean just the irises , because he had no irises, and no pupils, and certainly no whites. His eyes were completely orange-an orange that shifted and flickered. And it’s really too late not to say exactly what I mean, isn’t it? He was on fire inside, and his eyes were like the little isinglass portholes you sometime see in stove doors. Something that he has never witnessed just has always heard about in church and from what his parents always taught him when growing up. His innocent is threatened. Stephen King uses everyday events and objects to represent spiritual references, including the characters. The man in the black suit represents the devil and the young boy represents purity and innocents. The setting also sets the mood, where King sets majority of the reading in the woods, a place what is usually looked at as a place that kids are not allowed to go by themselves.The woods were usually looked at as the forbidden part of the yard. As Gary goes further in the woods is when Gary comes in contact with the man in the black suit which is referred to as the devil himself and also the bee; which Gary believes it is the same exact bee that killed his brother. Gary is forced with facing impure spiritual desires; such as the fear of possible death, embarrassment (when he peed on himself), shame and also the possibility of being deprived of the ones closets to him. When finally able o get himself together, Gary snaps into action and is able to run for his life and shake the devil off. Gary does not believe that he was dreaming, but that the evil he has encountered is reality and that they actually took place. Also when the father goes looking for Gary, the look on his face and actions shows that he too has also encountered it once before. Gary is just lucky that he has been able to live to tell the tale. Work Cited â€Å"The Man in the Black Suit. †Ã‚  Analysis. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Nov. 2012. . Mulverhill, Gisele. â€Å"Short Story Reviews: The Man in the Black Suit, by Steven King. â€Å"Helium. Helium, 19 Aug. 2010. Web. 03 Nov. 2012.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Brought Bernadine Healy Down Essay

Who Brought Bernadine Healy Down? describe the various cross-pressures and multiple responsibilities that Healy faced. Why do these persisting cross-pressures and responsibilities make it so difficult to frame a clear, consistent motivational system in government or nonprofits? In 1991 Dr. Bernadine Healy took over as president of the Red Cross from Elizabeth Dole. Dr. Healy style of leadership was more like that of an entrepreneur rather than a bureaucrat. She was encouraging of change, shrewd in detecting inefficiencies and decisive in her actions. She did not see the need to build consensus, assuming an allegiance on the part of others to her goals. The board and old guard of the Red Cross expected Healy to adjust her head-on style to their softer approach, to work within their structure. This made Dr. Healy attempts of changing the Red Crosses Culture as well as their system of operating a very daunting task. While Healy and the Red Cross were both striving for the same goal, serving the public good, their methods and expectations were vastly divergent. When Healy uncovered significant fraud in one of her Jersey City, N.J. chapters, she immediately turned it over to the local prosecutor’s office, which indicted the director and bookkeeper for stealing funds from the Red Cross. However, instead of praising Healy, several board members criticized her for being â€Å"too tough† in Jersey City. Healy hard charged style was effective but made governors of the Red Cross very uncomfortable. Healy was original chosen to lead the Red Cross because she brought to the table a strong background in efficiently managing large, complex organizations. As its leader, however, Healy neglected to make room for the Red Cross operationalized institutional values; she misjudged their tenacity and failed to adjust her leadership style to the organizational culture. As a result, she was unable to maintain a legitimate authority and enact her vision of the organization’s greatness. Within two years, she was forced to resign, because many of the board members disliked her strong political views. After a governor’s vote on the confidence in her leadership went 6 in favor of Healy and 27 against her on October 23rd, Healy publicly announced her resignation as president of the Red Cross three days later. Reference Stillman, R. J. (2010). Public administration cocepts and cases. (9th ed., pp. 321,331-341). Boston: Wadsworth. http://www.hhh.umn.edu/img/assets/29524/red%20cross%20case-1.pdf

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Market Definition Economics Essay

Free Market Definition Economics Essay Market Definition The level to which it is important to carry out analysis of market definition in retail sector will depend upon the competition being analysed. In particular, if the focus of a competition is a monopoly situation, the main reason for analysing the market structure at the retail level will be to observe whether the retailers are likely to enter upstream themselves or bargain away any monopoly rents. For this case comprehensive definition retailer market is unlikely to be needed. There are two ways of defining market. Supply side substantiality and demand side substantiality. The supply side substantiality looks at the expected behaviour of suppliers in response to price rise. For example, if suppliers of product A can easily move to a relevant market for B when Bs prices rises, then the suppliers are in relevant market for A, because the monopolist seller will not be able to sustain a rise in price, meaning that As price constrained by these suppliers. The other market definition is b ased on consumer response to price rise. For example, if consumers are willing to substitute product F for product G when product G price rises, then F is in relevant market for G, because the market dominant of product G would not be able to sustain a rise in price meaning that G price is sustained by product F. United Kingdom is dominated by large multiple supermarket chains Their size, visibility and influence have made them the focus of much attention. Below is a summary of the market structure; Sales of drinks and food account for 65% of the total. Non- food grocery and non-grocery sales are becoming increasingly every passing financial year. Non- groceries account for of sales that are made in superstores and supermarkets. The large part of the remainder is accounted for by convenience retailing, with 7% of that being accounted by the traditional retailers. Sales through UK grocery outlets generates a revenue of up to 120 billion pounds which represent half of all the sales valued at 240 billion Euros which includes 13% of total household expenditure. Profit margins of the main supermarkets ranged between 2-4 % in the year 2004/5. In UK Tesco is currently the leading grocery store with commanding and market share of 30% share of the non convenience UK grocery market. During the late 20th century, Tesco and Sainsbury enjoyed similar market shares of between 20-25%, nut since then Sainsbury have lost to Tesco. Most of the multiple growths have been organic, with the excepti on Morrisons after attaining acquisition back in 2003. In 1999, Wal-Mart acquired ASDA, the world largest retailer. In recent studies shows that Tesco has the largest market share in majority of Britains districts and in the rest is usually the second. Tesco largest market share are in Inverness holding 51% and in Milton Keynes with a share of 50%. Consequently in areas that Tesco dominates its second rival is up close showing stiff competition. Convenience retailing is consolidating The large supermarkets and stores have began to compete strongly in this market share. For example, (Sainsbury, Tesco)have merged with existing stores and chains. While doing so, they are increasing market share by opening new stores and providing better service within those newly opened branches. The merging have resulted from the need to develop economies of scale, opportunities to reduce costs and increase sales by applying best practise to these new supermarkets and finally the need to acquire best quality supermarkets. The supermarkets are well sited, well stoked and attractive which are ideally placed to meet consumer needs for on the move shopping and for top ups. The imbalance of bargaining power that exists between supermarkets and their suppliers fosters abusive practises. The abuses are financial in nature and they tend to create uncertainty for suppliers. The main abuses which the suppliers face are enlisted below. The supermarkets require the suppliers to be on the list of suppliers which add extra costs to the supplier and the risk of stocking new products are passed to the suppliers. The suppliers are faced with the threat of de-listing if they deny honouring the reduction of prices or making other payments and concessions. These types of threats create uncertainty, inhibit their ability to plan and weaken their bargaining power of their products. The supermarkets charge slotting fees which add extra costs to the supplier and consequently the risk of stocking is passed to the supplier. The supermarkets are practising unethical business practises by demanding extra discounts or payments from the suppliers, which the supermarkets argue that the extra charges are for packaging, remodelling and retailer initiated promotions, this has got impacts to the supplier for the unexpected expenditure. The supermarkets do not only stop there but they proceed by demanding retrospective payments or after sale rebates which result in deducting a particular percentage of the total sales of a particular supplier for that year, compensating for profit margins being less than expected. Failure of sales of the products the supermarkets return the unsold goods to the suppliers, these results to the forecasting errors passed back to the supplier. The supermarkets and chain stores make late payments to the suppliers which have already been delivered and sold, adversely affecting suppliers cash flow therefore leading to additional costs and uncertainty over how many the suppliers will be pa id. Retrospective discounts on agreed terms and prices, changes to quantity, unscheduled promotions or to outsell rivals puts the suppliers profits under pressure, or distorting consumers perceptions of product value and may result to demands for lower prices from other customers. Prices of goods in supermarkets are lower than the prices of the same goods in non supermarket outlets, and the completion authorities see consumers ability to obtain lower prices, at least in shorter as beneficial. If the consumer prices are lowered to unsustainable levels, then for shorter supplies will go down so that buying prices and later retail prices will have to increase. Lowering of prices on the long run may have negative impacts on the retail prices. If the suppliers prices are lowered by the supermarkets, will cause the suppliers to be less viable but in the short run the retail prices will drop, but when it is a long term practise there will be reduced supply resulting to buying prices to hike leading to retail prices to increase and having impacts on the quantity and range. These impacts the consumers in that they will have to adjust to their normal buying habits and shift their consumption quantity or spend more on the same product. This affects the choice they make a nd their perceptions of what might constitute detriment. On April 1999, Stephen Byers published the completion commission report on the supply of grocery from multiple stores. From my review of the competition commission I can say that taking all matters into consideration, the commissioner are satisfied that the industry will undergo broadly competitive and that no excessive profits are earned or overall excessive prices are not being charged. The general profitability of the supermarkets had been decreasing before the publishing of the competition commission whilst to its publication and enforcement the profitability has been increasing since then. Since its enactment, there have tremendous changes in the industry, the competition commission has resulted to entry of Wal-Matt which is a notable remark and a number of price cuts which have boosted the general saving of the consumers and have saved them a proximate of 1 billion Euros. From my own opinion I believe that for a perfect market share, competitive market is the best way of securi ng a good deal of customers. From recent observations, the grocery industry is broadly competitive and i recommend the competition commission to be enacted as a law of the land. Since the commission was passed, the relationship between supermarket chains and their suppliers have changed since they are guided by the code practise which puts the suppliers and the supermarket on clearer and more predictable terms. Since then the voluntary code has been abolished that was in adequate and did not bind by the law. The competition commission has also resolved a different problem which was persistent selling of the supermarkets of products below the costs or price flexing. The commission did so by proposing that the supermarkets need not to take actions on the price flexing because the options available would have negative impacts to the consumer buying habits and would be a disproportionate problem to the supermarkets. The following changes have occurred in that retailers should ensure that the standards of terms are documented in which they do business. The supermarkets are required to give prior notice to the suppliers if the terms of conditions need to change. The suppliers are paid on time (specified time) this has saved most suppliers any unwanted expense and cost and created an assurance that they are paid. The supermarkets and stores should give suppliers practical notice of any intentions to change the price that had been previously agreed upon and that the supermarkets have abolished the unethical practise of requesting retrospective discounts or over rider. The repackaging, designing costs are now a burden to the chain stores and should not be transferred to the suppliers. After the commission was passed supermarkets are required to notify the suppliers of any changes in volume order, changes in any of supply chain procedures, changes in the specification of the products and the chain sho uld compensate the suppliers for any loss acquired due to lack of notifications.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on Avoiding Plagerisim

Essay on Avoiding Plagerisim Essay on Avoiding Plagerisim Avoiding Plagiarism Is it possible to avoid plagiarism? This is a question many students may ponder, but I believe that students can do so by following rules, guidelines, and a few techniques. Throughout this essay, there will be simple instructions on how students can avoid plagiarism and write a paper that can be called their own. However, it is imperative that every step is followed. Honesty, in business, is the foundation of your clientele, because trust is what compels the customer to pay you for your services. You could be a salesperson selling someone else's product or you can create your own product, which others might enjoy.To avoid plagiarism, it is imperative that students follow the guidelines that have been put in place by the academic institution. These guidelines are an important factor in the future of each student’s success at any college or university. The act of plagiarism is a serious offense and can be detrimental to the success of anyone’s academic career. According to Burkill and Abbey (2004), many students use other author’s work because they realize that writing from their own perspective slows them down; however, students must realize that this act is dishonest. After enrolling in a university, one of the most important factors of being a great student is avoiding plagiarism. It is important that students follow the proper procedures regarding plagiarism, such as, citing their source, along with providing a reference for each source. If all students follow these requirements, the consequences of failing and/or expulsion will be avoided. Every university has their own guidelines regarding plagiarism, so it is each student’s responsibility to consult the appropriate personnel to

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Viking History - Guide to the Ancient Norse

Viking History - Guide to the Ancient Norse Viking history traditionally begins in northern Europe with the first Scandinavian raid on England, in AD 793, and ends with the death of Harald Hardrada in 1066, in a failed attempt to attain the English throne. During those 250 years, the political and religious structure of northern Europe was changed irrevocably. Some of that change can be directly attributed to the actions of the Vikings, and/or the response to Viking imperialism, and some of it cannot. Viking Age Beginnings Beginning in the 8th century AD, the Vikings began expanding out of Scandinavia, first as raids and then as imperialistic settlements into a wide swath of places from Russia to the North American continent. The reasons for the Viking expansion outside of Scandinavia are debated among scholars. Reasons suggested include population pressure, political pressure, and personal enrichment. The Vikings could never have begun raiding or indeed settling beyond Scandinavia if they had not developed highly effective boat building and navigation skills; skills that were in evidence by the 4th century AD. At the time of the expansion, the Scandinavian countries were each experiencing a centralization of power, with fierce competition. Settling Down Fifty years after the first raids on the monastery at Lindisfarne, England, the Scandinavians ominously shifted their tactics: they began to spend the winters at various locations. In Ireland, the ships themselves became part of the over-wintering, when the Norse built an earthen bank on the landward side of their docked ships. These types of sites, called longphorts, are found prominently on the Irish coasts and inland rivers. Viking Economics The Viking economic pattern was a combination of pastoralism, long-distance trade, and piracy. The type of pastoralism used by the Vikings was called landnm, and although it was a successful strategy in the Faroe Islands, it failed miserably in Greenland and Ireland, where the thin soils and climate change led to desperate circumstances. The Viking trade system, supplemented by piracy, on the other hand, was extremely successful. While conducting raids on various peoples throughout Europe and western Asia, the Vikings obtained untold amounts of silver ingots, personal items, and ​other booty, and buried them in hoards. Legitimate trade in items such as cod, coins, ceramics, glass, walrus ivory, polar bear skins and, of course, slaves were conducted by the Vikings as early as the mid 9th century, in what must have been uneasy relationships between the Abbasid dynasty in Persia, and Charlemagnes empire in Europe. Westward with the Viking Age The Vikings arrived in Iceland in 873, and in Greenland in 985. In both cases, the importation of the landnam style of pastoralism led to dismal failure. In addition to a sharp decline in sea temperature, which led to deeper winters, the Norse found themselves in direct competition with the people they called the Skraelings, who we now understand are the ancestors of the Inuits of North America. Forays westward from Greenland were undertaken in the very last years of the tenth century AD, and Leif Erickson finally made landfall on the Canadian shores in 1000 AD, at a site called Lanse Aux Meadows. The settlement there was doomed to failure, however.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

To what extent, and in what ways, do the traditional theories of Essay

To what extent, and in what ways, do the traditional theories of employment relations help us to understand the modern Australia - Essay Example The theories are discussed based on mainly three grounds viz. unitarist, pluralist and also on Marx’s radical approaches. On the basis of such theories the industrial practices of the employers and the government’s role in such is analysed. This analysis is conducted to reflect on the reasons for the decline of the trade unions power and also on the needs for the changing business and industrial structures in the Australian framework. Introduction The government of Australia is taking potential steps to protect the plight of workers from undue practices of the employers in dismissing the employees from their work. Thus large number of employees in Australia is on an advantageous point in fighting against the event of them being unfairly dismissed of their work tenure. Further it is observed that small business outlets in Australia have more advantage in firing employees more often than larger ones. The employees in small business firms in the region need to work for ten ure of one year whereas for larger firms it is six months to fight back against unfair dismissal. (Schneiders, 2010). The Australian employers are also endeavouring to compensate the employees adequately against taking the basic rights of better living and work conditions from them. The employees are over compensated in turn of sacrificing their rights to getting better meal and laundry services. (Johnson, 2010). Employees of a computer packing company located in New South Wales are also found to largely complain of not being rendered their basic rights owing to better living and working standards. The employees stated that the payment rendered to them often fails to meet the travelling and living cost. (Bibby, 2010). However the government of Australia is endeavouring to take special care of the employees involved in construction and building industry especially in providing legal protection. (AAP, 2010). The Australian employers are also reflecting a strong recognition of the exis tence of large number of trade union bodies in the region. Australia has shown a huge rise of trade unionism in several industries like education and other public utility services. (Bibby, 2010; Hannan, 2010). Justification for Choosing the Issues The two issues chosen regarding employment relation conditions in respect to the Australian region pertain to two aspects. Firstly the issue regarding fair employment practices is dealt with in regards to the Australian industries. Secondly the issue of promoting trade unions is also surveyed in respect of the industrial environmental standards of Australia. The fair work practices in respect of the Australian industries reflect important issues in regards to employment relation conditions. The issues hover around important aspects relating to working conditions of the industries, delay in rendering financial compensation to the workers and also for gaining flexibility in relation to work timings. Further the minimum pay standards rendered to the workers are also dealt with in regards to the fair work practices in the Australian industries. The concept of fair work practices in regards to Australian industries is further extended to encourage the entry of large number o

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Evolution of Women in Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Evolution of Women in Film - Essay Example From the beginning, cinema has been considered as a medium of men. Women were always given less important roles and were not an integral part of cinema. Though we have women in a top management position in almost all fields in film industry we have only 6% women directors in the whole world and in America it is only 7%. This article aims to study the role of women in the film industry on both sides of a camera through years. Several powerful women film producers like, Alice Guy Blache and Eva Le Gallienne, a producer, actress, and director during the 20th century have played a vital role in the history of films. June Mathis was a prominent screenwriter and producer during the period. During 1930’s Dorothy Arzner was the only women director to make hits. In 50’s Shirley Clarke from America and Joyce Wieland directed several experimental films. It was during 1960’s that feminist films began. Most successful was ‘Wanda’, a portrait of alienation by Barbara Loden. Directors like Barbara Hammer tried to visualize female sexuality from a women's' point of view. Even with such eminent artists an Academy award or an Oscar or a Directors Guild's top honor was never awarded to a woman director or a women cinematographer 2. Even with so many renowned women directors, only 7% directors of Britain are women. Today women are more prominent on both sides of the camera. Even from Iran, there are about 11 women film directors3. Works of these women are shown at almost all film festivals like Cannes, but only a few are awarded or even recognized.

Special Educational Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Special Educational Needs - Essay Example To tackle the growth of autism the society has developed Special Educational Needs (SEN) for the children, which will help them to be back in the mainstream society. Children suffering from autism behave distinguishably from other children. It is tough for children with autism to communicate with others and express their feeling by using words. They usually stay away from normal people and they create individual worlds for themselves. Without taking proper help, they cannot communicate with others. This kind of children needs special attention and care from our society. According to the scientists and doctors, autism results from the damage of brain cells that are responsible for the senses and emotions of the humans. The biological theory of autism states there are some abnormalities in the brain of the child due to some reasons, which may cause autism. In some cases, medical treatment of the child can cause autism. Medical treatment has a negative effect on the health of the childr en. This affects the nervous system of the children, which can cause autism. (Autism, n.d.; Cohen & Bolton, 2004: Pp 26- 32). Special educational needs schools have analyzed autism spectrum disorder in the students. The study has found that there are some critical behaviors among them like behavior barriers, emotional barriers, social barriers and communication barriers. Most of the Special educational needs schools have an approach, which consists of individual behavior management with development in social abilities towards autism children. The schools help to develop some special self-help skills among the students, which is necessary for the growth of the person. They have also introduced speech and verbalization in their curriculum to fill the gap in communication. Every child is special and unique in his or her structure and mental set up. Therefore, they need different learning style. (Autism, n.d.). The paper investigates the intervention strategies used to manage

Preventive Measures and Privacy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Preventive Measures and Privacy - Research Paper Example The American government under the guise of national security is going too far. There is nothing to hide, as do most Americans, but with that said, the government has overstepped its bounds. There should be boundaries and a balance between individual rights of freedoms and national security. There is amuch concern for the protection of innocent Americans from terrorist. With the government invading its citizen’s privacy, by watching and surveying everything people do, it is one step closer to losing people’s constitutional rights than ever before (Minow 2004). Sending e-mails, purchasing through credit cards, and making phone calls are some of the many things Americans do many times in a day without thinking much about it. Although these activities feel less important and general, they are recorded in many corporate databases. They become part of each individual’s digital history. Most of the databases are accessible by federal counterterrorism agencies which deal with terrorism. The agencies are aware that terrorists use the same financial and communications channels as law-abiding citizens do. The agencies have embarked on using sophisticated computer programs that have the capacity to mine this data. The agencies do so to try and spot patterns that will indicate terrorist-like activities among the many transactions happening every day. The agencies mine citizens’ data without their permission. This raises serious constitutional issues (White 2006). As a result of the exposure of classified surveillance operations, many of the Americans expressed disapproval about the government’s decision of recording phone activities of ordinary Americans. Most of the people showed little concern on their phone calls and Internet activities being monitored. About 57 percent of the people interviewed said that the leaks on the monitoring will not affect the United States in preventing future acts of terrorism

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Performance Management Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Performance Management Project - Essay Example Performance management systems are not built out of the blue. In fact, there is always some basis of establishing the system of performance management. Policies of performance management comprise immensely on the internal structure of the organization. The entire formation of the policies of PMS is based upon the structure, requirements, position and condition of the organization and its employees. A performance management system is vital because it benefits the organization in ensuring that the day to day activities of the organization and its employees are aligned with the goals and objectives of the organization. Performance management system not only benefits the organization but it also benefits the employees by providing them with continuous feedback about their performance and also provides them with the opportunities to enhance their performance. The most critical aspect which had been overlooked is that not only achievement of goal is crucial but how the goals are attained is equally considerable as it reflects the element of Corporate Social Responsibility. The idea that implementation of PMS will immediately improve the employee’s performance is quite unrealistic. To obtain the full potential benefits of performance management system, the organizations needs to invest with resources so that managers and employee own that system, otherwise the system will be treated as obligatory activity and neither the organization nor the employees will enjoy the benefits of this system. Any PMS will cannot be complete or perfect and when the organizations evolve, their PMS must also evolve accordingly. This report will evaluate some common issues related to the system of performance management and will also provide recommendation about how the PMS can be implemented effectively. Generally, performance management is the procedure to

World Religion---If you are not religious, what are your views on Essay

World Religion---If you are not religious, what are your views on religion - Essay Example Furthermore, as religion has been part of life and sometimes people may be hiding in it while carrying on with heinous activities. At the same time, religion provides a chance or people to reflect on events taking place in their life’s, their meaning and where they are going. It helped bring one’s self or being in a settled place where he or she functions harmoniously with the minimal domination of the runway mind, bodily function and emotions. Therefore, this is one of the major reasons for people engaging in one religion or another so that they can gain direction in their daily lives. Most of the books that have been written in different religions are the writings of the ancient people that have been put together from some of the finest writers of their time. Thus, it serves as a guideline for the human life by guiding on what to do and how to do it. At the same time, the books give accounts of the activities that took place in the past, the kind of lifestyle people had at that time. Therefore, the books cannot be termed as a message from the supernatural powers. At the same time, I believe that there is a rebirth and reincarnation of people in different forms thus there is continued life on earth and not elsewhere. As a non-believer, I really do not believe in any one religion as being superior to another. However, I respect others people beliefs and whatever that they may want to do to satisfy their spiritual needs. Treating others with love, kindness, respect and love makes life more fulfilling at the end of the day. In addition, one always has to find meaning in their lives through various ways, and everybody ought to respect that. Although in my opinion, I believe that religion has denied a number of people an opportunity of discovering a lot in their personal relationship and existence. Religion does not allow people to question most of its teachings and lets people just believe in whatever that had been laid down in each particular religion.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Performance Management Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Performance Management Project - Essay Example Performance management systems are not built out of the blue. In fact, there is always some basis of establishing the system of performance management. Policies of performance management comprise immensely on the internal structure of the organization. The entire formation of the policies of PMS is based upon the structure, requirements, position and condition of the organization and its employees. A performance management system is vital because it benefits the organization in ensuring that the day to day activities of the organization and its employees are aligned with the goals and objectives of the organization. Performance management system not only benefits the organization but it also benefits the employees by providing them with continuous feedback about their performance and also provides them with the opportunities to enhance their performance. The most critical aspect which had been overlooked is that not only achievement of goal is crucial but how the goals are attained is equally considerable as it reflects the element of Corporate Social Responsibility. The idea that implementation of PMS will immediately improve the employee’s performance is quite unrealistic. To obtain the full potential benefits of performance management system, the organizations needs to invest with resources so that managers and employee own that system, otherwise the system will be treated as obligatory activity and neither the organization nor the employees will enjoy the benefits of this system. Any PMS will cannot be complete or perfect and when the organizations evolve, their PMS must also evolve accordingly. This report will evaluate some common issues related to the system of performance management and will also provide recommendation about how the PMS can be implemented effectively. Generally, performance management is the procedure to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Choose a topic of interest to you that relates to couples or families Essay

Choose a topic of interest to you that relates to couples or families. (I'll attach the instructions) - Essay Example It is true that â€Å"one out of every two marriages ends in divorce† in the current trend (Ambert, 2009). One of the common reasons for divorce to occur in today’s modern day scenario is misunderstanding amid the partners. While discussing the topic of divorce, it can be affirmed that husbands and wives have no time for each other to spend time as they remains quite busy in earning money and saving the same more for future (Bruze et al., 2012). In this process, they forget to enjoy their lives and thus end up divorcing each other. Moreover, there are several other reasons for divorce to happen such as age issue, stress level, cheating and extra marital affair. Divorce imposes huge impact in the lives of the people especially when it occurs in the mid age. It is emotionally distressing and has negative impact on the life of the people, children and the surrounding. It leads to depression, loneliness and gives rise to the feeling of betrayal and failure among oneself (Mo ntenegro, 2004). The Brondenbrenner’s Model, which is also acknowledged as Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory tends to determine the association prevailing between the individuals and their related environment. This particular theory or model is often used to analyse the psychological issues faced by the individuals due to several environmental systems. The model comprises environmental systems that range from â€Å"interpersonal interaction to broad based influence†. The individual level of this model is regarded as a vital aspect as it expresses a relation between the environment and the human behaviour. It relates to psychological dilemma that an individual face after undergoing divorce. It is usually observed that the rate of divorce is usually more amid the adults whose age range falls under the age of 50 and above (Erikson, n.d.). Similar facts can be justified with reference to the article â€Å"The Gray Divorce Revolution: Rising Divorce Among Middle-Aged and Older Adul ts,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Julio Cortazar Casa Tomada Analysis

Julio Cortazar Casa Tomada Analysis Analyse the treatment of the â€Å"outsider† or â€Å"outsiders† in one of the texts studied on the course. What role does this tension play in the socio-political vision of the author? Julio Cortazar was one of most influential Argentine writers of all time. He was one of the great masters of short stories and was compared to the likes of Jorge Luis Borges. Cortazars literature is closely linked to social and cultural realities of Latin America and in particular Argentina. This essay will begin with the history of Julio Cortazar including his background influences and the style of his texts with focus on the short story ‘La Casa Tomada. Then this shall lead on to the analysis of the treatment of characters that are considered as â€Å"outsiders† in the story focusing on the different interpretations of the main characters and the unknown invaders that take over the house. Furthermore, the role of these â€Å"outsiders† will be discussed relating to the socio-political vision of Cortazar and the influence of politics on his writing, incorporating the socio-political situation in Buenos Aires, Argentina at that time. In 1914, Julio Cortazar was born in Brussels, Belgium of Argentine parents, after World War 1 his family returned to Buenos Aires, Argentina. This was where he grew up and became educated, then later moved to Paris in 1951, after obtaining a French scholarship, where he died in 1984 at the age of 70. Prior to becoming a writer, he worked as a teacher and then as a translator. (Prego Cortazar, 1997) Cortazar is known as one of the Latin American writers of the â€Å"boom† that exploded onto the world literary scene. The literary boom was during the middle of the 20th century when Latin American writers work became published in Europe and the rest of the world. The stories were known to associate with magical realism which is where ‘unreal things are treated as if realistic and mundane, and mundane things as if unreal. The plots of these stories usually combined real and fantastic elements in a way that makes them difficult to separate. (www.statemaster.com/encyclopedia/Latin-American-Boom) Stories that have been written by Julio Cortazar normally mix fantasy with Latin American reality. The story being focused on, ‘La Casa Tomada by Julio Cortazar, was initially published in the 1946 review ‘Los Anales de Buenos Aires which was directed by Jorge Luis Borges. It then appeared his in his first volume of short stories ‘Bestario in 1951. (www.juliocortazar.com.ar/hislife.htm) In the story, a middle-aged brother and sister live together in an old large family house, situated in the North district of Buenos Aires. They spend their days doing routine tasks with little variation. The sister, Irene, knits and the brother reads and collects stamps. They both clean the house and cook meals together. One day they hear mysterious noises within the house, but they do not worry. Without much explication, they abandon parts of the house because of this invading noise. When eventually the unknown noises take over the whole house, they leave the house with nothing and throw the key away. It is written in the first person with the narrator being the protagonist in the story. This means the protagonist is the centre of attention and this allows the reader to participate in all the events. The reader can see all the thoughts and ideas of the protagonist so they can easily identify with the protagonist. This adds realism to the story in contrast with the ‘unknown characters that bring an element of the surrealism that ‘boom writers are known for. The northern district of Buenos Aires where the protagonist and his sister live is the rich and privileged area and from the start of the story, it sets out to the reader that the siblings are from privileged backgrounds. â€Å"Nos gustaba la casa porque aparte de espaciosa y antigua (hoy que las casas antiguas sucumben a la mas ventajosa liquidacià ³n de sus materiales) [†¦]† (Cortazar, page 1). The house has eight bedrooms so previously their family would have occupied all the rooms and they would have had maids to work for them. The large house was previously owned by their ancestors and they are the last of a long line of family. â€Å"[†¦] guardaba los recuerdos de nuestros bisabuelos, el abuelo paterno, nuestros padres y toda la infancia.† (Cortazar, page 1). It seems they can afford to live without working.Instead they spend their days doing little more than cleaning, reading and knitting with rare communication with the outside world. From this, the theme of â€Å"outsiders† comes into play, which plays a strong role throughout the story. From analyzing the story, the unknown invaders are immediately seen as the â€Å"outsiders† that come in and take over. However, the siblings could also be â€Å"outsiders† giving that they are so cut off from the rest of society. Cortazar portrays the siblings as very unusual and lonely characters that do little to prevent themselves from being outsiders in society. The siblings seem to be obsessed by routine and keeping the house clean. We find out little about the narrator except that he like French literature. He portrays the sister Irene as a very passive female who is happy to just spend her time knitting. They share the cleaning and cooking chores between themselves. The narrator says how they never use the back part of the house except entering to clean. Therefore, there is already a barrier created between them and the â€Å"outsiders† with the large oak door. There is a reference to how much dust collects on the furniture. â€Å"Buenos Aires sera una ciudad limpia, pero eso se lo debe a sus habitantes y no a otra cosa.† The narrator seems to imply that the middle-class citizens keep the city clean. He also says â€Å"Hay demasiada tierra en el aire† which is ironic seeing as the city is called â€Å"Buenos Aires†. (Holmes:2004, pg254) There is an incestuous aspect between the brother and sister as they have reached middle age and the only time they spend is with each other, uninterested in others outside the house. â€Å"Simple y silencioso matrimonio de hermanos[†¦]† (Cortazar) This shows they had no plans to marry anybody else and have children to pass on the house to. This incestuous theme is something Cortazar said may have been related to his own life; â€Å"Yo empecà © a pensar y a descubrir que efectivamentea traves de mis sereà ±os yo tengo una problema incestuoso con una hermana mia† (Cortazar por Cortazar, pg 43) The brother and sister can be seen as outsiders at the end of the story aswell because they are the ones that end up on the outside of the house with nowhere to go. They have numerous possessions at the start of their story and bit by bit, it is taken away from them until they are left outside with nothing. â€Å" ¿Tuviste tiempo de traer alguna cosa? le preguntà © inà ºtilmente. No, nada.† The other â€Å"outsiders† are the invaders that are seen as unknown enemies. They are referred to as plural during the story for example when they take over the first part of the house; â€Å"-Tuve que cerrar la puerta del pasillo. Han tomado parte del fondo.† (Cortazar) so the reader automatically presumes it is more than one unknown character. The unknown outsiders are treated as very unwelcome and they can be seen as threatening. Throughout the story, Cortazar leaves no clues to whom or what these noises are and it seems as if the brother and sister are not necessarily that scared or shocked by them. An example is after the part where the brother says to Irene that they had taken over the back part: â€Å"Dejà ³ caer el tejido y me mirà ³ con sus graves ojos cansados. - ¿Estas seguro? Asenti. -Entonces -dijo recogiendo las agujas- tendremos que vivir en este lado.† She does not show any fear and just carries on knitting. They seem to have knowledge of whom or what has invaded the house and act alone in defending themselves against this invasion. At the end of the story, the outsiders are still left as unidentifiable and mysterious characters to the reader and leaves them guessing. It is up to the reader to come to their own conclusion about whom or what they think these strange noises are. The beginning of the story starts as very realistic with a description of their lives then once the outsiders that invade take over the first part of the house, it becomes surreal. Cortazar puts a lot of emphasis on the description of the house; the house seems unwelcoming as it lacks the comfort and security of a home. The characters feel unsafe in their home and ready to flee at any point and it loses any feeling of safety when the others take over. Cortazar explores the connection between identity and the home. The house shows everything about the siblings such as their wealth, their background and their hobbies and once they no longer have the house, they lose their identity. The house is personified in the story; â€Å"a veces llegamos a pensar que era ella que no nos dejà ³ casar.† This shows it has some sort of control over the brother and sister living within and creates a barrier between them and the real world. The only time that the brother visits outside is when he goes to get his French literature or wool for Irene to knit and Irene never leaves the house. Also, note that the street name Rodriguez Peà ±a was the name of Cortazars street when he lived in Buenos Aires. (Maquiera: 2004, pg.10) Therefore, this shows how the story relates to his own personal experience. It seems the treatment of these outsiders seems to play a strong role in the vision of Cortazar as the story is related to his life. There are numerous interpretations for the meaning behind La Casa Tomada but the one that stands out seems to be that Cortazar uses the relation between the characters, the outsiders and the home as a way to respond to social and political tensions that were occurring in Buenos Aires during that time. Cortazar wrote the story post-war when Juan Pà ©ron had recently come into power over Argentina. Initially Pà ©ron had worked his way up by taking a position that nobody else was interested in as the head of the Labour department. From there he appealed to the workers. Pà ©ron aimed for an independent Argentina, free from foreign economical influence. Pà ©ron promised a â€Å"New Argentina† founded on â€Å"social justice, political sovereignty, and economic independence†. He showed support for the workers that he called the â€Å"masas descamisadas† by increasing wage earners income and building a large number of low cost homes. (Rock: 1987 pg.262-263) Cortazar was anti-peronist and demonstrated against his regime. He saw Pà ©ron as a dictator and felt threatened by the control. â€Å"Si bien Cortazar no comulgaba aun con el socialismo, su postura hacia la politica del nuevo gobierno era abiertamente critica† (Maquiera: 2004, pg.19.) Pà ©ron aimed to integrate the population and bring about social reforms. Many, including Cortazar saw him and his wife Evita as a political and economical threat and â€Å"a threat to good taste†. They saw him â€Å"encouraging the invasion of Buenos Aires by riffraff from the provinces†. The racist term â€Å"cabecitas negras† was used against the immigrant workers. (Standish: 2001 pg.4) For the opponents of Pà ©ron his promises were myths and had caused a divided society with a bankrupt economy and a nation controlled by a dictatorship. â€Å"El Peronismo significà ³ la llega a la capital de la clase obrera del interior del pais y la entrada de esa poblacià ³n en la vida social y cultural de la ciudad† (Maquiera: 2004, pg. 20). Although Cortazar does not link them directly, the ‘outsiders in the story can be seen as a satire in showing the socio-political vision of Cortazar against Pà ©ronism and the arrival of the working class during that period. The story could be portrayed as showing the anxieties of the upper and middle classes of Buenos Aires during the nine-year administration of Juan Pà ©ron. By showing how they felt marginalised because of the increasing number of rural immigrants that were coming into the city for work. Just like the protagonists in the story, their way of life had changed and these invaders into the house may symbolise the workers coming into the city. Therefore, the role of these outsiders could be an allegory of the migrant workers that moved into Buenos Aires and took over a lot of the jobs and the brother and sister could symbolise the Argentineans that felt like these migrants invaded them. â€Å"Bien podria representar todos mis miedos, o quiza, todas mis aversiones; en ese caso la interpretacià ³n antiperonista me parece bastante posible, emergiendo incluso inconscientemente†. Julio Cortazar (www.abretelibro.com) The story is most commonly seen as an anti-peronist allegory and expresses the fear that Cortazar may have felt about outsiders in Argentina. The feeling of fear felt that was caused by Perons military government and by the invasion of industrialisation. However, the story has also been seen as similar to that of Adam and Eve; they are expelled from their small and closed paradise into an unknown world. html.rincondelvago.com/casa-tomada_julio-cortazar_2.html When asked, Cortazar says that ‘La Casa Tomada was inspired from a nightmare that he had and that when he woke from this nightmare he immediately started writing the story. The house described in the story is the same as in his nightmare. â€Å"La à ºnica diferencia entre lo soà ±ado y el cuento es que en la pesadilla yo estaba solo.† (Prego: 1990, pg79) When he woke up, he immediately started writing the story. Therefore, he says that it is his dream that should be analyzed not the story. â€Å"Es un cuento que para mi no tiene absolutamente ningà ºn contexto de ninguna naturaleza salvo la pesadilla.† (Garfield:1978 pg 89) The architecture of the house plays an important role in the link between the present and the past in Buenos Aires. The house symbolizes the citys aristocratic past, after Independence, Buenos Aires chose European instead of colonial architecture. Architects were brought over by the Government from Europe to design buildings. (Holmes: 2003 pg254) Again, this shows the fear that the characters have of change from the past, as they prefer their traditional style European house. During the time, that a large amount of immigrants from overseas and migrants from the countryside came there was a demand for more housing. So new housing projects were created for the middle-class resulting in higher value for houses like theirs as the narrator points out at the beginning of the story (Holmes: 2004), â€Å"las casas antiguas sucumben a la mas ventajosa liquidacià ³n de sus materiales† (Cortazar). The brother and sister prefer the European style spacious house and enclose themselves in what represents the urban past. They seclude themselves from the city and in turn make themselves outsiders from the modern Argentina. Therefore, the invaders could be the city making them leave their home. Throughout the text there are numerous historical references such as the French literature which the brother enjoys reading. This seems to be one of the few ‘outside things that are accepted into the house. He also finds that â€Å"Desde 1939 no llegaba  nada valioso a la Argentina† which refers to the lack of European culture in Argentina because of the war. The brother only seems to find value in French literature and has to re-read what French literature he has. Once again, this also shows the link with their fear of change. The relationship between the characters and the house shows their lack of interest in modernity and change. They seem to want to stay within a routine and show little interest towards changes outside of their house in Argentina. This story may represent Peronist Buenos Aires but can also represent the role of Europe in post-colonial space. It seems that Cortazar rejects how Argentina has become post-European influence. The story may also portray the modern Buenos Aires conflicting with the past city. After looking in depth at the story and the history related to the story, I can conclude that the different â€Å"outsiders† in the story play a strong role in the socio-political vision of Julio Cortazar. La Casa Tomada has numerous interpretations about its hidden meaning. Although when questioned, he does not specifically relate it to a particular opinion but to a nightmare he had. This showed his underlying preoccupations with the events in Buenos Aires during that time. The theme of outsiders is continued throughout the story and each character shows an aspect of being an outsider. The invaders that take over the house from the siblings are seen both as the workers that moved into Buenos Aires invading the space of the middle-class or as the city making the protagonists leave their safe past and as face the changing Buenos Aires. The protagonists show a stereotype example of the middle-class people of Argentina during that time that feared any sort of change, though in the original nightmare it is Cortazar himself. It is Cortazar that it seems had this fear of invasion from â€Å"outsiders† and was concerned about the changes occurring. The role of the outsiders is very effective in demonstrating his feelings about Pà ©ron and the changes within Argentina.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Limited Government :: Persuasive, The Constitution

In the previous week I agreed with the philosophy of originalism and felt that the Founding Fathers had created a timeless framework for our government in the Constitution. They certainly did not expect the â€Å"modern government† we have now to get past their carefully worded Constitution. I do believe they thought they had protected us and were right in their mistrust of the government and the loss of individual freedom which comes with its growth. The Founders aim in the Constitution was to declare their reasons for independence and show the choice of government they chose over the large unresponsive English Government (Pilon, Page 259). Pilon further explains the only reason to have government is to keep the rights it is bound to protect. Our right to individual â€Å"pursuit of happiness† is perhaps our own idea of utopia. Kristol (Page 299) suggests this crisis of modernity â€Å"will require new ideas – or new versions of old ideas†, We are guaranteed this right of individual pursuit in the Declaration of Independence - as long as our pursuit does not harm or obstruct another’s pursuit. David Boaz (American Vision and Values, Page 86) expressed clearly, â€Å"the Americans sought to devise a constitution that would limit the government†¦..to make it clear that the Constitution was not a general grant of power to the government†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . I believe Ronald Reagan spoke for us all in his Message to Washington, February 20, 2009 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAwAY0LH9hg&feature=related) â€Å"Our Constitution is a document in which we the people tell the government what it is allowed to do. We the people are free.† Government seemed to maintain a path consistent with the Constitution until the period 1890s to 1920s – known as the Progressive Era. This era happened to be about the same time as Roosevelt’s New Deal, but it is not directly related. The creation of a â€Å"fourth branch† of government seemed to appear with the Administrative Branch. The bureaucracy did not really create another branch of government, but did implement agencies which were to oversee legislation and â€Å"empowered it with broad governing authority† (Pestritto, Page 203). Machiavelli (The Prince, Page 229) speaks at length using the term â€Å"Prince† to explain how to acquire and maintain political power, â€Å"Therefore it is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hiroshima :: essays research papers

The first most powerful bomb, which is called the atom bomb, was dropped on August 6 , 1945. In a city located in Japan, called Hiroshima. With these facts and the information i've read from this one book called "Hiroshima" I have a very strong opinion which I will speak of now. I think that the atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima was a petty, childish way of trying to win a war. It was inhuman, so horrible that anyone whom lived through it, would most likely be traumatized for the rest of their living lives. I don't think what the Americans did was very right at all. If they wanted a war, not that war is a way to solve anything, then they should have fought the old fashioned way. Rather than ruining so many peoples lives. Atomic bombs are not something that should even be in existence, but they are. There's really nothing we can do about them, because of the more powerful people in this world. They find this extraordinary weapons to be their only defense. But I think it's pathetic. They go off an kill so many people, and wounded the rest. They brought many cities to destruction and cost them millions of dollars to rebuild. You just can't toy with peoples lives like that. I think it should be illegal. If they wanted to harm certain people, then fight it out with them. Don't kill innocent peoples lives. If they knew the enormous danger and effects of this new bomb, then they shouldn't have done it. Perhaps they could have found a different way to finish this all.Critical Appraisal- "Z for Zachariah" and "Hiroshima"In my personal opinion "Z for Zachariah" could have been a bit more accurate in which ways they made the radiation affect people. First off, in "Hiroshima", which was a true story, not all the people died from the radiation, yes they got very ill from it. Such as fevers, vomiting, hair loss, white blood count going up and down, etc. But most of them died from all the wounds from the bomb. And the radiation didn't kill and poison all the things within the bomb as it did in "Z". "Hiroshima" had alot more telling about how the radiation effect the people physically than "Z" did. They were pretty close to getting the same idea of what happens when people get radiation, but they missed quite a few points.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Courtroom Players Response Essay

In the courtroom there is a group of key players that work together on a daily basis. They are made of a group of professionals. These professional are those who know all aspects of a criminal trial and they work together in performing the duties of the court. The courtroom work group is all of the professionals that participate in a court proceeding. They include the judge, prosecuting attorneys, defense attorneys, public defenders and any other individuals who earn a living by giving service to the court. These individuals act together with a common goal of bringing any and all court room proceedings to a successful close. Each of professional in the courtroom work group has it’s own duties. The prosecutor is responsible for presenting the states evidence and preparing the states case against the accused. It is up to the prosecuting attorney to determine which cases should be pursued and which to let the charges drop. The prosecutor makes these decisions based on a variety of criteria. They will look at the evidence against the accused, the crime itself, the history of the accused as well as many other factors. If the criteria where more strict which would end up in fewer cases being prosecuted, the court would be less crowded for time but there would be more criminals on the streets going unpunished. On the other hand if they were too loose, there would be a risk of more innocent people being charged with crimes they didn’t commit and an already overtaxed court system becoming completely bogged down. I would not really recommend any changes in the court system that we have now. I understand it is not a perfect system but it is better than many and it has the right goals in mind. Reference: Schmalleger, F. (2011). Criminal justice today: An introductory text for the twenty-first century (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson Prentice Hall.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Use of Alliteration, Assonance, and Cacophony

Candice Scheffing, a student a New Mexico Tech, not to long ago sent an email to the Clark112-list on the subject of gender. She had analyzed an essay by James Q. Wilson called â€Å"Gender† for his use of rhetorical strategies. Many rhetorical strategies can be seen in the email. The rhetorical strategies that can be found are alliteration, assonance, and cacophony. The major rhetorical strategy that Scheffing used was alliteration. The use of alliteration by Scheffing serves to be quite effective in email because it allows her to point out the use of rhetorical strategies by Wilson in his essay.An example of alliteration used by Scheffing is, â€Å"A number of examples are obvious through the first few paragraphs of the essay† (1). The alliteration can be seen in the words â€Å"first† and â€Å"few. † Another sample of alliteration in Scheffing’s work can be seen in this sentence, â€Å"This reference to nature as having human characteristics is a personification† (1). The use of alliteration in this sentence can be seen in the beginning sounds of â€Å"having† and â€Å"human† that are in a series.A final example of alliteration in Scheffing’s email is, â€Å"This statement seems most disturbing to anyone who would read it because it either doesn’t make sense, or is believed to be completely wrong† (1). The alliteration can be noticed in the series of words; â€Å"statement,† â€Å"seems,† â€Å"who,† and â€Å"would. † The use of alliteration by Scheffing serves as probably her most useful use of rhetorical strategies. Another rhetorical strategy used by Candice is assonance. Assonance does not serve as a major source of rhetorical strategies, but it still is present in her email.The use of assonance keeps the readers attention somewhat because the email begins to sound like a rhyme as it is read. The first example of assonance in Scheffing’s ema il is, â€Å"It becomes interesting that ‘nature’ can ‘play tricks’ on humankind† (1). The use of assonance can be seen in the same sounds of â€Å"nature,† â€Å"play,† â€Å"can,† and â€Å"humankind. † A second example of assonance in the email is, â€Å"Two contrasting words, ‘essential’ and ‘useless’ are in the same sentence referring to the same group of people: males† (Scheffing, 1).The assonance is evident in these sounds of â€Å"same† and â€Å"males. † The third example of assonance I have seen in Scheffing’s email is, â€Å"These three forms of rhetoric, personification, antithesis and logos are each very important keys to the effectiveness of Wilson’s essay† (1). The use of the words â€Å"these,† â€Å"three,† â€Å"rhetoric,† â€Å"forms,† and â€Å"important† serve as examples of assonance in the email. Th e final rhetorical strategy employed by Scheffing is cacophony. Candice Scheffing uses another rhetorical strategy, cacophony, to harshly get her point across in her email.According to the website created by Ross Scaife, â€Å"A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples,† the meaning of â€Å"Cacophony: [is] harsh joining of sounds† (1). An example of Scheffing’s use of cacophony is, â€Å"It strikes more interest in the reader because they want to discover what Wilson is talking about when he says that males are both ‘essential’ and ‘useless’† (1). Another illustration of cacophony can be seen in this sentence, â€Å"It let’s the reader know that he has done his homework on the subject and is prepared to defend his side of the argument† (1).As shown in the previous example, Scheffing uses harsh sounds such as â€Å"s,† â€Å"d,† â€Å"e,† and â€Å"t† as a way to keep the readers attent ion. Candice Scheffing uses the rhetorical strategies of alliteration, assonance, and cacophony to illustrate her point in her email. The point that Scheffing is trying to prove is that Wilson used rhetorical strategies such as personification, antithesis, and logos in his essay. The use of rhetorical strategies in Scheffing’s email allows her to keep the reader interested in the subject and realize through examples what the subject of her email is all about.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Chapter 1 The Problem and its Background Introduction The term RFID refers to Radio Frequency Identification, a technology which uses radio waves to automatically identify items or people. Most commonly this involves the use of an RFID tag and a reader device. In general terms, Radio Frequency Identification systems consist of an RFID tag (typically many tags) and an interrogator or reader. The interrogator emits a field of electromagnetic waves from an antenna, which are absorbed by the tag. The absorbed energy is used to power the tag’s microchip and a signal that includes the tag identification number is sent back to the interrogator.The use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio frequency  electromagnetic fields  to transfer data from a tag attached to an object, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking. Some tags require no battery and are powered and read at short ranges via magnetic fields (electromagnetic induction). Backround of the Stud y Tanauan Institute has already been using the Library System. Since the institution is already using such technology, these will be the first time for the institution to use Radio Frequency Identification.The researchers thought of maximizing its use by creating a system that will track the students who borrowed books, which will be having RFID stickers for monitoring purposes, in the library. Currently, the school’s library is using the â€Å"Library System† in monitoring the books, which has a number of limitations. It is not capable of generating reports that can determine the books that are mostly borrowed which can help them decide on the number of a particular book they will be purchasing in the future. It is also using Microsoft Visual Basic for the system’s database which can only store very limited information.On the other hand, the system that the library is using in recording the attendance of the users cannot help them in identifying the library use rs of the month. The librarians need to manually count the number of times each student had logged in the system. Lastly, they have also no means of reminding the library users regarding their borrowed book Statement of the Problem Not capable of generating reports that can determine the books that are mostly borrowed. No means of reminding the library users regarding about their borrowed books. Manual counting the number of times each student had logged in the system. Objectives of the StudyGenerally, the researchers aim to design and develop a system that would enhance the use of the current Library System with the help of RFID in the said Institute. Specifically, the study aims to: Design and develop a system that will generate reports to determine the trend in book borrowing Use MySQL for the system’s database Determine the library users of the month in just a click of a button Remind the students and faculty members regarding their borrowed books Test and evaluate the sy stem’s accuracy and reliability Scope and Delimitation There would be some limitations to the project that should be taken into consideration.This study limits its coverage to the students of the Tanauan Institute only. It will be conducted for two semesters which consists of 10 months. Two low frequency ACR122U Smart Card Readers will be used for the system: one for the monitoring of books and the other one for the recording of the attendance. The system will be written in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010. The database that will be incorporated with such is Microsoft My SQL. It will execute only in platforms running Windows Operating System. The applications of the system will only cover the monitoring of books and tracking of the borrowers.Other unavoidable circumstances, such as power interruptions and speed of access, and other more complex areas of RFID Technology, such as securing the data, are no longer part of the study. Conceptual Framework For the researchers to be able to come up with a Radio Frequency Identification Reloading System, they will need very flexible and versatile knowledge in using the VB. NET programming language and in using the MS Server 2008. They will also be needing materials such as ACS Readers, tags which should be compatible with the reader and a desktop running Windows operating system.The related foreign and local studies and literature would also be of big aid to them because of the given information and problems with solutions of these materials. With all the knowledge, the materials to be used and the related resources, the researchers will need to carefully plan the whole study which is going to be the foundation of their research as a whole, gather and analyze data before they design and code the system. After the coding stage, the researchers need to test and evaluate their study. If necessary, modifications should be done to perfect the system. Conceptual ParadigmBelow is the figure of the conceptual paradigm of the study: NOTE:::: REVISED PARADIGM MAKE A NEW DIAGRAM.. PLACE IT HERE!!!.. Figure 2. Paradigm of the study Definition of Terms Accuracy – is a characteristic of a reliable system achieved from a number of tests and evaluation. Circulation Management – is a division in the library which is in charge of managing the borrowing and the returning of library materials. Collection Management- is a division in the library which is in charge of maintaining the collection of the library materials through adding or updating records.Database – is an organized collection of data needed for storing, updating, retrieving and viewing information for a particular system. Library Management System – is the system which will be an aid for monitoring the books and tracking and reminding the borrowers in a certain library. Radio Frequency Identification – is one of the newest identification technologies that use electromagnetic fields to transfer and read data that will be integrated by the researchers in this study. Chapter 2 Related Literature and Studies A. Related Literature Foreign LiteratureHolloway (June 2006), Microsoft EMEA Manufacturing Industry Solutions Architect, wrote a white paper which explained the components of a basic RFID system and how it works. According to him, an RFID system is composed of three important pieces of equipment such as: (1) a small radio device called a tag, or the transponder, which contains the data, (2) the reader, or the interrogator, that transmits and collects data to be downloaded from and uploaded to the tag, and (3) the host computer installed with an RFID software to process the data into valuable information.Daniel (2004) summarizes the operation in a basic RFID system as discussed below: First, the tag will enter the RF field of the Reader then, the RF signal will power the Tag that will transmit the ID with other data which, on the other hand, will be sent to the computer by the Reader. Then, the computer will be the one sending data to the Reader which will be transmitted to the tag. In a paper published by Mitrokotsa and Douligeri (2009), â€Å"Integrated RFID and Sensor Networks: Architectures and Applications†, they discussed and differentiate RFID and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Technologies.They also discussed why these technologies should be implemented to various fields of business and their requirements. Since the proponents will be using RFID, the tips, which are proven effective, given in this study on how to have better RFID-based systems will be of big help in conducting their study. Soldatos (2010) formulated a study entitled Rich Client Application for RFID EPCIS Repository wherein he created software which intended to provide a UML-like graphical representation of the business locations, and read points of an enterprise with a more user friendly RFID-based software system.Dhanalakshmi and Mamatha (n. d. ) wrote a paper wherein they discussed the proj ect that they created entitled â€Å"RFID Based Library Management System† which is very similar to the study being conducted by the proponents. In their study’s conclusion, they have indicated and proven that RFID in the library speeds up its transactions such as book borrowing, returning, searching thus enables staff to do more of its responsibilities. Mutigwe and Aghdasi (n. d. also conducted a study entitled â€Å"Research Trends in RFID Technology† wherein they have given attention at continuing research activities in the field of RFID and talked about the possible major burdens that RFID Technology is facing today such as privacy, high costs, and social and legal concerns. Local Literature Garcia (2009) made a study, â€Å"Student Recognition Using Radio Frequency Identification for Tarlac State University†, which was undertaken to develop a system that would support and improve the current way of identifying students at Tarlac State University.The system is capable of importing excel files to update student records. Through the images and the information displayed by the system, security officers find it easy to identify the students entering the school campus. Reports can be generated for administration and filing purposes. The concern of security was also addressed because the system can control users and produce integral records. Similar to the study of the proponents, the system that they will create can also generate reports for monitoring and inventory purposes.Another study which also focused on the record keeping of students who enter and exit the school premises is the â€Å"Design of RFID Interface System: A Prototype† conducted by Engr. Dellosa (2007). He designed a circuitry capable of indicating the arrival and departure of the students in such a way that the students can also be notified. He also developed software capable of capturing and recording the student’s names together with their time of a rrival and departure within the school premises. B. Related Studies Foreign StudiesA study of Botterman and Oranje (May 2009) entitled â€Å"Study on The Requirements and Options For RFID Application in Healthcare† proved that RFID Technology is versatile and can also bring improvements in the field of healthcare. It also proved that the speed of access and speed of processing of transactions, the inventory of equipment, and the monitoring of the patience and employees can be improved by RFID. Lastly, Zherdev (2011) performed a study, â€Å"Storing and Reading Sensor Data from Battery Assisted Passive RFID†, which dealt with tags of battery assisted passive-type and ISO 18000-6C standard.His study evaluated and improved a system designed to transmit information about the bearings status of railway wagons. It is related to this study being conducted by the proponents since they will also be using the passive type of RFID tags. Shariff of Longitude Consultancy Services m ade a proposal for schools to implement systems incorporated with RFID Technology for attendance monitoring, library management, and logging in school buses. He reasoned out the needs for such advancement which made the proponents more eager in pursuing this study.Local Studies Studies were not only done in other countries but also in the Philippines as well. Filipinos also hunger for knowledge and improvements in the field of Technology. One of the pioneers in using RFID Technology to make its transactions faster and more efficient is the Mapua Institute of Technology with its Cardinal Plus Model which made many transactions convenient ever since it was introduced to the Institute such as securing student identification upon entering the campus and online grade access of students.This study is somehow related because both implementation targets are in universities. A study conducted by Balbacal (2005) entitled â€Å"Automated Bus Fare System† is related to the system that th e researchers is planning to create. In Balbacal’s system, she used reloadable cards which used barcodes in riding a bus and paying for the fare. The amount to be reloaded on a card depends on the user’s capability to pay. However, Aquino et. al’s (October 2009) â€Å"Automation of the Movie TheaterCharging Procedures Through the Use of RFID† proved that RFID Technology can also improve the field of entertainment. Their system was able to eliminate queuing problems & improve charging operations of the system implied on improvement in the efficiency, reliability & accuracy of the operation. Even though the field of implementations of their study and the researchers’ are not the same, the purposes of both are identical. The researchers want to eliminate the redundancy in recording the attendance of the students which the existing system is not capable of.In Villame’s (2010) research entitled â€Å"Carrier Suppression Locked Loop Mechanism for UHF RFID Readers†, he made an improvement on the front-end architecture of UHF RFID readers to address the problem of having the performance of the reader limited as the active components in the receiver become saturated due to having the readers being exposed to strong carrier leakage signals because of the antenna reflections and limited isolation of circulators and directional couplers.This would be of great help but the researchers indicated that other complex aspects of RFID such as isolation of signals will not be covered by this study. Chapter 3 Methodology Research Design In every study, the method of research to be used is very important. The whole study somehow depends on such method because it will determine how the data collected will be handled. The goal is of this method is to acquire accurate and systematic data which are based on facts that can be used in averages, frequencies and similar statistical calculations.It often uses visual aids such as graphs and ch arts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution. The researchers are also taking into consideration the use of developmental research. In a paper published by James D. Klein et. al, (n. d. ) they define it as studies that involve the production of information with the goal to improve the development of instructional design, development, and evaluation. Such research is based on either situation-speci? c problem solving or generalized inquiry actions. SamplingThe researching process will take place at the Tanauan Institute, a institute located at J. V. Gonzales St. Pagaspas Tanauan City. The researchers have chosen this institution because it is where they are currently studying and it was the first time the school will use the RFID system. Instruments/Tools The primary tools that will be used in gathering the needed information for this study are researching and browsing from the net. The secondary tools will be the related foreign and local literature and studies that the researchers have gathered.Gathering Data The process of the data we gathered is divided into five phases namely: Identify and Analyze the Requirements. In this phase, the proponents will gather all possible requirements that the end user expects from the system to be developed. These requirements will dictate the functions that will be integrated in the system. Design the System. Upon gathering and analyzing the requirements of the end user, the designing of the system will follow. This phase is important because the system’s design will dictate the overall system architecture.If the proponents have inquiries about the system, they can gather and analyze the requirements again. Code the System. After designing what the system will look like, the proponents will start the actual coding of the system. This design of the system will be the basis of how the system will look like. Test the System. To ensure that the system is efficient and reliable, several tests will be cond ucted. If the system fails the testing phase, the proponents will go back to the second phase which is designing of the system. 5. Acceptance of the System.After having proven that the system is functioning well, it will be deployed to the end user and they will be trained on how to use it. They will evaluate if their requirements and expectations have been met. If not, the proponents have to go back to the first phase again and start all over. Software Specification |Operating System |Microsoft Windows XP or higher | |Microsoft SQL Sever |2008 or higher | |Microsoft .Net Framework |4. 0 or higher | |Windows Internet Explorer |7 or higher | |ACS CCID Driver | | Hardware Specification |Memory |2 GB or higher | |Processor |2. GHz or faster | |Hard Disk |At least 3GB of available space | |Monitor |1024Ãâ€"768 or higher resolution | |Printer | | |ACR122U NFC Reader | | Gantt Chart ILAGAY DITO†¦ Chapter4 The Proposed SystemUser and Needs of the Study Proposed system is the T anauan Institute New College Library Management System. Through our software user can add books, update books, search books, update information, edit information, record the attendance of the borrowers, borrow and return books in quick time. Our proposed system has the following advantages. ? User friendly interface ? Fast access to database ? Less error ? More Storage Capacity ? Search facility ? Look and Feel Environment ? Quick transaction All the manual difficulties in managing the Library have been rectified by implementing computerization.Analysis General Features of the System RFID technology has been applied in libraries just over a decade, though the technology is not yet mature but its rapid development allows more and more functions to be achieved. RFID is still in its developing stage in libraries, the technology originally can only simply achieve the self-check-in and check-out function, but till now, the effectively inventory, logistics and sorting the returned books a re all able to be achieved. The library can adopt RFID technology aim of improving the self-service.Patrons can borrow and return the items using automatic lending machines, which require a library card and a PIN. Self-service becomes much easier with this new technology as it does not require line of sight and max. 3 items can be borrowed at a time. So far, the frequency of self-service is nearly 100%. Besides, sorting the returned books greatly reduces the library staffs manual work. As RFID label has anti-theft function, there is no need for an extra alarm strip to be attached to the item, which makes the borrowing and tagging tasks a lot easier accordingly. Chapter 5 ImplementationProgram Testing We the researchers have come up to test the system with different specifications to know the compatibility of it to the system. The researcher make sure that they will not have any problem during implementation and also we asked the end user to see and to test the system, if they had an y wanted to changed or add on the system. To ensured that the system is efficient. Documentation Plan The documentation has seven chapters. The first three chapters were made during the first part of the study, these three chapters guide the researcher to create a system what look alike.The last four chapters were made at the second part together with the system proposal. Data Management Plan We the researchers gathered data by acquiring information on some schools, browsing the net, getting some ideas with the old system, library research, asking personal questions and getting information through handouts. Resource Management Plan The development of the software would not be possible without the following components: A. Computer – an electronic device uses to manipulate data. B. USB Flash Drive – is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface.C. Hard Disk – wherein the system is stored and the soft co py of the documentation is saved. D. Ballpen & Paper – use for writing down the documentation and other important information. E. Internet – the primary tool of the researchers that used to gathered the needed information or data. F. Printed Materials – used for additional reference. G. Printer – used to provide hard copy of the program code and documentation. All the data which were manipulated throughout the process of the study were stored in the computer hard disk drive with back up on several flash drives.Quality Assurance Plan The researchers ensure the most precise and direct method of providing the software with highest regard on procedures thereby providing easy access for end user. Accuracy and efficiency of the software is likewise ensured thereby providing the end users guaranteed reliable software. Security Plan The researchers ensure that all data, documentation, codes and system were provided sets of back up. And though the system, the rese archers put a login form on the system to ensure that no one can access or view, only the end user can use it.Training Plan Formal training on how to use the program for end users will be provided by the researcher, if needed. The system is intended to use by an end-user acting as the administrator and could add another administrator that will do the same task to facilitate all their activities. Chapter 6 Maintenance Upon the implementation of the system, that is downloading and debugging the entire system, the researchers assures extension of services for future modifications or updates of information already published responsibilities: 1.Provided with the necessary updates on information, the researchers will plan the necessary layout modification, if needed. 2. According to the layout planned, necessary changes in the codes follows. 3. Appropriate testing of the modified code is to be done to ensure efficiency and accuracy. 4. Updating other details is provided by the system 5. P roviding back-up of the modified code 6. Providing updated documentation 7. Entrusting all the used resources to the appropriate authorities. Hardware maintenance is beyond the duty of the researcher. Chapter 7 The Summary of Findings, Conclusions and RecommendationSummary Library Management, particularly Circulation and Collection, in Tanauan Institute uses a semi-automated system which has a number of limitations such as incapability of automatically generating reports and statistics, and loss, inconsistency, and in accuracy of data. Since this institution is already using RFID Technology in monitoring the attendance of its students, the researchers attempted to resolve such issues by creating an RFID-Based Library Management System using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with the students and the librarians as the target beneficiaries in mind.Modified waterfall was the research model used by the researchers which helped them in the distribution of the tas ks they need to accomplish. Descriptive method of research was also utilized in order to gather data more accurately and systematically with the use of data gathering tools such as surveys with open and close ended questions, interviews, and time motion study represented by graphs and tables to test and evaluate the system’s reliability and the user’s acceptance. ConclusionThrough months of conducting this study, starting from the data-gathering-phase up to the deployment-phase, with the aid of the surveys, interviews, and time motion study analyzed, the researchers concluded the following statements about their Tanauan Institute New Library RFID-Based Library Management System: †¢ The system was able to generate statistics and reports by just a click of a button which can help them in forecasting and identifying the library users of the month.They can now finally be assured regarding the accuracy and reliability of the data generated. †¢ The system can cater larger amount of data which is what the library practically needed at this time that they are upgrading the amount of their collection. Data loss will now be finally eliminated. †¢ The system was able to track whom librarian is accountable for the loss of a returned material. †¢ The system was able to help them in reminding the students regarding their unreturned materials. RecommendationsFor the future researchers to improve, the researchers suggest the following: †¢ Module for printing of a receipt-like for library users as a confirmation of the material that they have returned or borrowed †¢ Module for printing of a book-card-like after adding or updating a particular library material so that librarians can now generate it with just a click of a button †¢ Module to Include visitors who don’t have RFIDs LAGYAN PA NG RECOMMENDATION YUNG NDI NYO NAGAWA..